Sunday, December 2, 2012

Paris - Day 3 - Part 1 - Notre Dame & Pantheon

After looking much at the exterior of the Notre Dame de Paris, we ventured out early to see we could visit the Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris on Sunday.

Sunday morning at Notre Dame de Paris.

Luckily we beat the tourist crowd to the Notre Dame de Paris

At the entrance of Notre Dame de Paris

The Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris is a french gothic Roman Catholic Marian cathedral. Built at around 1163, it was completed on 1340.

Through the years, Notre Dame de Paris was enlarged.

Sunday mass in progress.

Gothic architecture mesmerizing with Sunday mass in progress.

The center area of Notre Dame with the famous organ.

Nice stained glass with high roof of gothic architecture.

Nice lighting arrangement in the cathedral.Quite mesmerizing that the church is built around 1300.

Stained glass at Notre Dame de Paris.

Intricate design with colorful stained glass.

Can someone tell me the meaning of this painting ?

and what about this ?

Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris is free and during early Sunday the cathedral has service going on and early Sunday is pretty nice to visit as you can beat the tourist crowd. Didn't take the steps up the cathedral, the interior is quite well lit as compared to other cathedrale or church in Paris.

After Notre Dame, out next itinerary is the 'Pantheon'. Some walking is needed to the Pantheon.

College de France.Nice building architecture.

University of Paris

Not too far from the university of Paris, we reached 'The Pantheon'

The Pantheon

The Pantheon used to be a Church but now it is a mausoleum for french dignitaries.

 Overlooking Rue Soufflot.

University Paris Sorbonne

Town hall of the Fifth Arrondissment

Another facade of 'The Pantheon'

'aux grand hommes la patrie reconnaissante' translated as 'The great man the grateful homeland'

The dome of the Pantheon

Statue at the pantheon, at the back is Saint Etiene-du-Mont

Another gothic church, St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris shrine is in it.

Depicts the martyrdom of St. Stephen, stoning of St. Stephen.

 The opposite of the church, nice buildings.

Along the way, we were fascinated with the street of Paris and shot a few photos

Looks like an alley

Sunday morning

An old lady walking by.

Streets of Paris

Some where secluded area of Paris street.

Some streets has the nostalgic feel to it.

After some hours of exploring, a short break for food is very much welcomed.

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